Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Principal Advisory Committee

Hello PAC members,

Our first meeting took place in October and was very beneficial to me as a principal.  Our goal is to work together in partnership to address, discuss, and impact the culture and climate at SLHS.  Your communication, outside the box thinking, and honesty will go a long way in establishing a working forum to better our building.  In our meeting we discussed some great things that go on at SLHS.  Some of those things included;
- a positive staff thats always willing to help
- extra curricular activities and the variety of offerings
- seculuded areas in the building for each class of students to feel comfortable
- the 8 period day and open campus for all students
- the 8 period day helped with scheduling especially for Warrent Tech students
- STUDIO- is a great place to get help, be mentored, and a quiet environment to get work completed

Things to improve;
- 45 minute periods are too short for classes
- AP classes really struggling to get content covered in short period of time
- announcements need to be taken more seriously with staff
- need to promote and communicate about the STUDIO

We also discussed what expectations you have for teachers everyday.  Those discussions included;
- Enthusiasm, care, and just doing the everyday simple things
- making connections and getting to know the students
- being prepared for classes
- transitions/differentiated instruction
- teachers asking or providing questions/information outside of the regular curriculum 

I appreciate all of your support and leadership on this committee.  I am hoping this committe provides a more impactful bridge between the student body and myself to make a positive impact on our culture/climate.  Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 30th at 7:00am in the LMC. 

Jeff Pierson- Principal